板块业务涵盖连锁店形象标志、建筑与环境标志、室内外标识产品等, 完成从理念构想、标识工艺设计到生产、制作、安装及维护的一站式解决方案。
成立于1997年,注册资金5010万,在标识行业拥有二十多年资深经验,是集产品规划、 设计、生产、安装与服务于一体的综合性标识企业。我们一直专注于对城市环境标识、汽车 4S店项目标识、旅游景区标识、星级酒店标识、商业综合体标识、学校标识、医院标识、 连锁形象标识系统的研发与制作,业务已拓展全国市场。
Founded in 1997, registered capital of 50.1 million, with more than 20 years of experience in the logo industry, is a product planning, design, production, installation and service in an integrated logo enterprise. We have been focusing on the R & D and production of city environmental signs, 4S car store project signs, scenic spots signs, star-rated hotel signs, commercial complex signs, school signs, hospital signs and chain image signs, business has been extended to the national market.